Wasatch Gem and Mineral Society is a member of both the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies and the Rocky Mountain Federation of Mineralogical Societies. This page will give you a little more information about those Federations as well as links to their websites where you can learn more.
American Federation of Mineralogical Societies
AFMS is a non-profit educational federation of seven similar regional organizations of gem, mineral, and lapidary societies that was founded in 1947.
Purpose of the AFMS
To promote popular interest and education in the various Earth Sciences, and in particular the subjects of Geology, Mineralogy, Paleontology, Lapidary and other related subjects, and to sponsor and provide means of coordinating the work and efforts of all persons and groups interested therein; to sponsor and encourage the formation and international development of Societies and Regional Federations and by and through such means to strive toward greater international good will and fellowship.
Rocky Mountain Federation of Mineralogical Societies
RMFMS is one of the seven regional federations that make up the AFMS.
Purpose of the RMFMS
To bring about a closer association of the Earth Science Groups in the Rocky Mountain Region. To increase and disseminate knowledge about minerals and other geologic materials. To encourage mineral study, collecting and fashioning as a hobby. To sponsor local organizations interested in similar purposes (RMFMS Constitution).
RMFMS is a regional federation of rockhounds whose hobby is gems, minerals and fossils. Member interests include Channel Work Jewelry, Faceting, Fossils, Gems, Gem Trees, Geology, Goldsmithing, Jewelry, Lapidary Arts, Minerals, Paleontology, Silversmithing, Wire Wrap Jewelry, Stone Carving, Knapping, Beads, and More.
Member Clubs are located in Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming.